Detail Equipment

Detail Equipment
EnDiSys Detail Rigs are a turn-key, palletized unit with incredible flexibility. Initially designed for arrow and crosswalk work, they have evolved into a machine that can apply parking lot lines, short run line work and more. Powered by a diesel Cummins genset, this electrically-heated unit is ready to go almost immediately after firing it up. Our on-demand heaters allow for maximum temperature control and pristine finishes.
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Detail Rigs
2K Detail Rigs are a plural component, self-contained spray system for applying epoxies and polyureas. The closed loop, electrically controlled material hoses and heated tanks provide high accuracy and quick response so the system reaches ready-to-stripe temperatures in minutes.
Spec Sheets

Detail Rig Carts
Add options like pressurized bead tanks, gun raisers and Skip-Line’s MST-14 timing system to turn your Detail Rig into a striper. With the ability to adapt a Graco LineDriver, this cart offers maximum flexibility to Detail Rig operators.
Spec Sheets
Detail Rig Carriage
Add a carriage to your Detail Rig to turn it into a full-blown long line striper. This carriage is integrated into a trailer that can be pulled behind your truck. The quick attach pintle hitch and hydraulic, electrical, and pneumatic connections allow users to switch between detail work and long line work seamlessly.